We're the ultimate navigators, providing clear, honest reviews of gaming platforms. Think of us as your secret weapon against a saturated market. Our team of seasoned pros dives deep, analyzing security, game selection, customer support, and real player experiences. We've helped thousands find their gaming paradise, and we're ready to do the same for you!

Join a team of dedicated individuals with the power to shape the online gaming landscape. We're seeking talented writers committed to crafting comprehensive and trustworthy reviews, upholding integrity, and building player confidence. This is your chance to make a global impact in a dynamic and exciting industry!

Key Responsibilities

  • Craft captivating news scripts: Channel your inner wordsmith to write clear, concise, and engaging scripts that hook viewers from the start, even under pressure.
  • Be a news chameleon: Adapt your writing style to match the station's voice and the latest news rundown, keeping you informed and flexible.
  • Think like a detective: Investigate news stories and sources like a pro, uncovering the facts and ensuring accuracy.
  • Stay on top of the breaking news: As stories unfold, update your scripts to keep viewers informed and in the loop.
  • Go beyond words: Elevate your scripts with video, clips, and graphics, making the news visually engaging.
  • Master the editing scene: Coordinate the video editing process to ensure your stories are polished and impactful.
  • Ready for any challenge: Embrace diverse tasks that come your way, keeping you on your toes and expanding your skills.
  • Weekend and flexible hours are a must, as news never sleeps!
Required skills >


  • We're searching for a news writer who can juggle breaking news and tight deadlines like a pro.
  • You'll need a deep understanding of political, domestic, international news, and current affairs to keep our viewers engaged.
  • Juggling multiple stories requires flawless organization, so be prepared to excel in this area.
    Master the art of writing in Word and iNews, the tools of your trade.
  • We want your unique voice to come through, while adhering to our standards for clarity and conciseness.
  • Familiarity with video editing systems is a plus, as you might enhance your stories visually.
  • Breaking news? Bring it on! You'll need to respond quickly and effectively to keep our viewers informed.
  • We value your ability to proactively identify and develop newsworthy coverage.


Fuel your passion for online gaming and thrive in a dynamic environment. We foster a culture of learning, collaboration, and innovation, where your love for the industry will be encouraged and nurtured.

Estimated salary
$70,000 / year

Position Type: Freelancer 
Job Status: Temporary - Part time
 Job Location: Canada 
Work Arrangement: Remote

How to send CV

Ready to take your writing career to the next level? We're searching for bright minds to join our team. Share your story and CV through the contact form on the website - let's see if you're a great fit!

Become part of a collaborative team shaping the future of online gaming! We're on the lookout for talented individuals who thrive in a dynamic environment and love working together to bring innovative ideas to life. Join us and make a lasting impact on the industry.